Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Conditional step type for a Web form on D365 Portal

So, it took me a weeks’ time to get conditional steps work as expected for a workflow [High Level Design document].
The below flowchart was what I wanted to achieve as part of a task in bringing up the D365 Portal for a customer experience.


This document believes you already have CRM Portal that is part of the CRM solution Portal-Management.


There are quite enough number of blogs which will explain how the Web form steps work, but I had an issue [refer to the workflow above] which is not much addressed anywhere (this is where I have requested for help in the dynamics community ) and here is what I did to get this working (after trying different combinations).
Also find the References section to get more help on the portal management.

The sequence of screen shots below should take you to the path of achieving the flow of directions mentioned in the Workflow.

Please point your eyes to the fields and path mentioned below.
  1. General -> Next Step
  2. Form Definition -> Mode
  3. Form Definition -> Record Source -> Source Type
  4. Form Definition -> Record Source -> Entity Source Type
  5. Condition -> Condition
  6. Condition -> Next step if condition fails
  7. Web Form Metadata Associated View
    1. To get into more details, this step is important because you are educating the system to overlook at the next set of tabs (you can imagine that you are loading a tab) before the condition executes.

Complete view of the configurations detailed above.

è It is not must that you will need to ‘Load Form’ as the Start Step always.
è You can enable ‘Progress Indicator’ until you understand and make sure the flow works as expected.
è Business rules will not work on the portal, so do not waste time trying to spend time to handle such conditions on CRM.

References and Helpful Links:
è Adx forum: Web Forms in detail

è Portal :

è Create a Portal

1 comment:

  1. I am having a hard time following what exactly you did with the Tab Metadata areas. I am in a case where I need to display different tabs/fields based on the request type field selected in the first step.
